Natural Hand Float
This procedure consists of floating the teeth with hand floats with both a sculpting float and a shaping float followed by consistently rinsing with chlorohexidine. Based on the condition of the teeth and TMJ sensitivity a speculum May or may not be used.
Sheath Cleaning
This procedure consists of cold water and gloves. This procedure includes removal of any beans and cleaning of inner shaft. No foreign liquids are used during this procedure.
After a Float -Depending on the work needed for a horse to be comfortable again in the mouth- horses can sometimes be sore in their mouths. If any horse shows signs of discomfort a week (within 7 days) after a float- not eating, eating uncomfortably, quidding hay, excessive dropping of grain, you should contact me as soon as your aware of any issues or concerns and I’ll be happy to access the situation and help you and your horse experience a more comfortable resolve. Horse’s can take time to adjust to their new mouth after having uncomfortable points and hooks removed -they do sometimes require time to get acclimated to their new balance in their mouth.